Carter Shaw(Dylan McDermott)领导几个警官从事绝密的卧底工作。他们把自己的任务掩盖得天衣无缝,绝大多数同事都不知道他们在干什么。为了对抗犯罪分子,Shaw失去了妻子,也失去了过去的生活,这让他很受伤。一个人一旦有心事,人格就会出现缺陷--《Saving Grace》中的Grace、《In Plain Sight》中的Mary都是如此,Shaw也不例外。 Shaw的队友包括刚刚新婚的警察Ty(Omari Hardwick),在「卧底行动」和「个人感情」上左右为难;行事鲁莽的Dean(Logan Marshall-Green),有时因为做得过火,导致队友们怀疑他「已经叛变」;初出茅庐的巡警Jaimie(Nicki Aycox),加入这个小队的唯一理由是她拥有极佳的撒谎天赋。
This four-part documentary series features Chelsea Handler as she explores topics of personal and universal fascination: marriage, racism, Silicon Valley, and drugs. The Festival will premiere one installment of the series with clips from the other three installments, followed by an extended Q&A with Chelsea Handler, Director Eddie Schmidt, and Executive Producer Morgan Neville. World Premiere
“Versailles is the next step in the international co-production strategy we are now pursuing with our partners,” said Fabrice de la Patellière, Head of French Drama and Co-productions at Canal Plus. “This new season, that we aim to develop with renewed originality, will be a full-blown immersion into the absolute power of Louis XIV.” Added Claude Chelli, Director of Capa Drama: “King Louis XIV ruled France for 72 years, so there are still many stories to be told, in the same style and with the same contemporary approach that we established in Season 1. So it is with great relish that for the second season, we are going to take the series into the realm of women, love potions and poisons.”
《非洲》由《Life》原班人马打造,是一部大型原生态纪录片。镜头将跟随主持人David Attenborough一起穿越神奇的非洲大陆,探索那些从未被发现、被记录的生物物种和壮观的非洲奇迹。