本系列为您呈献幕幕扣人心弦、紧张刺激的「越狱风云-动物版」。每集一小时的内容揭露三段动物逃走过程,令你目定口呆。动物慌失失 Animal Fugitives: Chimp Breakout乳牛怎么会在校园中乱跑?黑猩猩怎么会逃出牢笼?野牛又怎么会出现在后院的泳池里?答案全都在影片中。且让目击者亲自献上第一手的故事经过与真相。动物慌失失 Animal Fugitives: Rodeo Bull Rampage竞技比赛的公牛横冲直撞,狡猾的狼到处乱窜,熊在热闹大街上狂奔。这三者有......
Following the sell out tour and triumphantly successful album 'The Emancipation of Mimi', Mariah Carey releases the highly anticipated tour DVD 'The Adventures of Mimi'. The tour, produced by Ken Ehrlich, played to packed houses across the States, Canada and Japan. Throughout the tour the multi-award winning star sang hits including her classics such as "Vision of Love and "Fantasy" and also songs from her latest album including "We Belong Together", "It's Like That" and "Say Something". One of the highlights of the tour was when Mariah played a sell-out show in her hometown, New York, at Madison Square Gardens joined on stage by her friends Jay Z and P Diddy. Mariah is currently in the studio putting finishing touches to her latest album, yet untitled. Her signature fragrance, 'M' by Mariah Carey, is in stores now and her latest movie, 'Tennessee' from the makers of 'Monster's Ball' will be released soon. Carey is also in production with Adam Sandler shooting yet another movie, "You Don't mess with the Zohan". 1 Intro 2 It's Like That 3 Heartbreaker 4 Dreamlover 5 My All 6 Shake It Off 7 Vision Of Love 8 Fly Like A Bird 9 I'll Be There 10 Fantasy 11 Don't Forget About Us 12 Always Be My Baby 13 Honey 14 I Wish You Knew 15 Can't Let Go 16 One Sweet Day 17 Hero 18 Make It Happen 19 We Belong Together 20 Butterfly Reprise
In her new television adventure, Rachel bids au revoir to her Parisian stopping grounds, and heads back to her hometown of London. ‘Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Notebook: London’ is a vibrant, creative and dynamic tour of London, and in 10 episodes Rachel shares the colours, sights and sounds (and food!) that inspire her in the bustling capital. Aimed at a global audience and airing a...
Treasures Of The Indus is 3 x 60’ episodes made by Tern TV, which tell the story of the Indian Sub-Continent through the treasures that have shaped the modern Indian world. From the plains of Pakistan to the foothills of the Himalayas, from Northern India and Rajasthan to the deep South and Tamil Nadu, Dr Sona Datta explores this vast melting pot of diverse civilisations, religions, cultures and glorious landscapes that has given us some of the greatest artistic golden ages on earth. The series will chart the history of the Indus Valley, telling the relatively unknown story that stretches back 4,500 years to the Ancient Indus civilisation who gave us, amongst other things, the decimal system. Sona explores the art of the Mughals, who created the most famous and dazzling empire that India has ever seen, from the Taj Mahal to fabulously intricate miniatures of court life. She questions whether the Mughals were trying to impose their own religion of Islam or indeed whether they were open to the religion and art of the country they were trying to conquer; and she discovers some of the 33,000 sacred temples hewn from rock, sandstone and marble in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
根据《星期日泰晤士报》报道,伦敦奥运会的开幕式将重现一些历史场景,并以“甲壳虫”乐队的老歌“Hey Jude(嘿,裘德)”结束。 7月27日晚上9点,一口欧洲最大的钟将被敲响,奥运开幕式就此开始。钟上刻着莎士比亚名著《暴风雨》中的句子“不必害怕,岛上已满是声音”。 开幕式的主题援引《暴风雨》,被定为“奇妙岛屿”。体育场将被变成英国乡村,演员们将把真实的牛羊带到绿茵茵的草地上,向观众展现一幅田园牧歌的画面。 此后,人们将还原1948年一批移民从西印度群岛乘“帝国疾风号”来到英国开始新生活的场景,以及女性是如何争取选举权的历史。 另外,开幕式还将重现1936年200多名史称“加罗十字军”的来自英格兰东北部的工人徒步到伦敦议会大楼抗议的历史镜头。1936年正值全球经济大萧条,这些人抗议的是贫穷以及高达70%的失业率。 《星期日泰晤士报》称,开幕式导演、曾执导过《贫民窟的百万富翁》的丹尼·博伊尔的这一做法对于目前正处于经济危机中的全球来讲很有象征意义。开幕式演出的一个高潮是悬挂于观众头顶的五个巨大的圆环在烟火中慢慢叠到一起,组成奥运五环的标志,随后发出光芒。 流行音乐的常青树、“甲壳虫”前主唱保罗·麦卡特尼将用一首“Hey Jude”结束整晚的演出,届时现场6万名观众将和他一起合唱,告诉人们要让世界“变得更好”。 伦敦奥运会开幕式时长为3小时,耗资2700万英镑(约合人民币2.69亿元)。英国女王伊丽莎白二世与100多位国家元首将出席开幕式,10亿名电视观众将观看直播。
Researcher Marc Seifer, astrophysicist Travis Taylor and investigative journalist Jason Stapleton investigate the mysteries surrounding the life and work of Nikola Tesla, one of the most important and eccentric scientists in history.
狗是人类最好的朋友,忠心、调皮、喜欢社交,但你知道,家中可爱的宠物与狼的基因相似度竟然高达98.8%?从家谱树的演化角度出发,本节目完整介绍犬科动物的演化与分支。从巴西丛林、北美大草原、非洲沙漠,到极地的冰封大地,生物学家派屈克亚伊(Patrick Aryee)与危险的狼、胡狼、狐狸一同入镜,以精彩的生态摄影,辅以CGI动画,展现犬科动物最富智慧的行为、最优美或最怪异的外型,并介绍牠们是如何从野外的掠食动物,变成人类最忠心的朋友。