这是一个揭示了咖啡世界以及如何从艰难生存的埃塞俄比亚咖啡豆种植者手中到您的咖啡杯中的咖啡交易过程的电影之旅。 2006圣丹斯电影节呈现独立电影和全球影片大赛首映。
한국 힙합의 역사 ‘에픽하이’의 20주년 콘서트 공연 실황! ‘FLY’, ‘FAN’, ‘LOVE LOVE LOVE’, ‘ONE’, ‘우산’, ‘1분 1초’ 등 대한민국 가요계와 힙합계에 한 획을 그은 주옥같은 명곡 셋 리스트. 무대 위 지치지 않는 세 남자의 열정과 감동을 스크린에서 만난다! 멈추지 않는 우리의 STORY 지치지 않는 우리의 SOUL 20년을 함께한 우리들의 HIGH SKOOL 그리고 함께 도전할 20년을 위해 YOU CAN FLY!
In the radioactive Dead Zone surrounding Chernobyl’s Reactor No. 4, a defiant community of women scratches out an existence on some of the most toxic land on Earth. They share this hauntingly beautiful but lethal landscape with an assortment of interlopers—scientists, soldiers, and even ‘stalkers’—young thrill-seekers who sneak in to pursue post-apocalyptic video game-inspired fantasies. Why the film’s central characters, Hanna Zavorotyna, Maria Shovkuta, and Valentyna Ivanivna, chose to return after the disaster, defying the authorities and endangering their health, is a remarkable tale about the pull of home, the healing power of shaping one’s destiny and the subjective nature of risk.
Dave talks about not actually growing up in the projects, the hate he received from the transgender community, and from fake news.
跟着想像力丰富的Julie回到三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪时期,发掘惊人的海底世界,一起看看力量强大的巨型滑齿龙、长颈的薄板龙和巨大的秀尼鱼龙如何在恐龙统治地球之前称霸海底王国。 Through the power of IMAX 3D, experience a wondrous adventure from the dinosaur age. Join Julie, an imaginative young woman, in a unique voyage through time and space. Explore an amazing underwater universe inhabited by larger-than-life creatures which were ruling the seas before dinosaurs conquered the earth. See science come alive in an entertaining manner and get ready for a face-to-face encounter with the T-Rex of the seas!
Best friends travel though Latin America meeting shamans, experimenting with plant medicines, and wondering about what makes a life well-lived when one of them might have half the time to live it.