The Netflix Afterparty is a first-of-its-kind weekly comedy panel show where comedians, casts, and creators come to chat about the streaming giant's buzziest shows and films. Each episode will be dedicated to one of the latest Netflix movies or TV shows to hit the cultural zeitgeist, with the stars of that title participating in interviews, pop culture discussions, sketches and segments. Each week, the co-hosts will be joined by a different Netflix comedian to round out the panel.
由Meredith Scardino编剧﹑Tina Fey监制的Peacock喜剧《妹子再组合 Girls5Eva》讲述一支90年代曾短暂大热的女子组合决定重组。Sara Bareilles今天加盟剧组,她饰演90年代短命组合「Girls5Eva」的前成员Dawn,对现在于皇后区管理家庭意大利餐厅一事感到不安,所以当「Girls5Eva」要重聚时,这对Dawn来说是个好机会。
Barnaby and DS Scott investigate the murder of Patrick Pennyman, an undertaker in the village of Fletcher's Cross. The man's wife thinks he committed suicide but the pathologist determines he was killed. The man died soon after his return home after attending a service at the local spiritualist church, itself the source of some controversy in the village. As the investigation progresses, the police learn that Pennyman was generally disliked. Former employees, business partners and others all had a grudge against him of one sort or another. Barnaby believes the head of the Spiritualist church to be a charlatan and while there is a link to the ever increasing number of murder victims, the solution to the crimes is to be found in an illicit love affair.
英国Channel4制作爱尔兰背景神职题材经典喜剧,爱尔兰著名喜剧艺人Dermot Morgan主演,Morgan在第3季制作完成后不久即因心脏病英年早逝,此剧也因此过早划上句号。第1,3季均荣获当年BAFTA最佳喜剧剧集奖,同时Morgan并分获当年英国喜剧奖最佳男演 员和BAFTA奖最佳喜剧男演员。 1 "Good Luck, Father Ted" 21 April 1995 2 "Entertaining Father Stone" 28 April 1995 3 "The Passion of St Tibulus" 5 May 1995 4 "Competition Time" 12 May 1995 5 "And God Created Woman" 19 May 1995 6 "Grant Unto Him Eternal Rest" 26 May 1995