第2季与第1季联系紧密,两者时间节点相隔差不多一年。第2季开场发生在一年后的万圣节,地点依然是印第安纳州的小镇霍金斯,这几个小家伙打扮成抓鬼敢死队。四个萌童中最醒目的肯定是威尔,第一季结尾时他咳嗽时吐出了一条虫子,这显然是为后续剧情埋下的伏笔。制作人之一的马特·杜菲表示:“他似乎能够看到表里世界(the Upside Down)的景象,问题在于这些景象到底是真的还是假的?看起来他正遭受着PTSD。”
On a tireless quest to find his missing daughter Jody, Nelly will go to any length to uncover the truth and he'll discover more about himself and those around him than he could have ever imagined.
This four-part documentary series features Chelsea Handler as she explores topics of personal and universal fascination: marriage, racism, Silicon Valley, and drugs. The Festival will premiere one installment of the series with clips from the other three installments, followed by an extended Q&A with Chelsea Handler, Director Eddie Schmidt, and Executive Producer Morgan Neville. World Premiere
乔恩·费儒执导的Netflix美食类节目《主厨秀》(The Chef Show,暂译)首曝预告!小罗伯特·唐尼、汤姆·霍兰德、安东尼·罗素、乔·罗素等现身,与费儒共同做美食。该节目将于6月7日上线。
The Netflix Afterparty is a first-of-its-kind weekly comedy panel show where comedians, casts, and creators come to chat about the streaming giant's buzziest shows and films. Each episode will be dedicated to one of the latest Netflix movies or TV shows to hit the cultural zeitgeist, with the stars of that title participating in interviews, pop culture discussions, sketches and segments. Each week, the co-hosts will be joined by a different Netflix comedian to round out the panel.
由Meredith Scardino编剧﹑Tina Fey监制的Peacock喜剧《妹子再组合 Girls5Eva》讲述一支90年代曾短暂大热的女子组合决定重组。Sara Bareilles今天加盟剧组,她饰演90年代短命组合「Girls5Eva」的前成员Dawn,对现在于皇后区管理家庭意大利餐厅一事感到不安,所以当「Girls5Eva」要重聚时,这对Dawn来说是个好机会。