第2季与第1季联系紧密,两者时间节点相隔差不多一年。第2季开场发生在一年后的万圣节,地点依然是印第安纳州的小镇霍金斯,这几个小家伙打扮成抓鬼敢死队。四个萌童中最醒目的肯定是威尔,第一季结尾时他咳嗽时吐出了一条虫子,这显然是为后续剧情埋下的伏笔。制作人之一的马特·杜菲表示:“他似乎能够看到表里世界(the Upside Down)的景象,问题在于这些景象到底是真的还是假的?看起来他正遭受着PTSD。”
Three years have passed since Patty and Ellen last worked together. Ellen reconnects with her high school friend, Chris Sanchez, who has recently returned from a stint at High Star, a private contractor in the Middle East. Unable to get assistance from the corporation or the government, Ellen decides to look into his case. Both her new boss and Patty warn Ellen about building a case against High Star Security Corp.