第2季与第1季联系紧密,两者时间节点相隔差不多一年。第2季开场发生在一年后的万圣节,地点依然是印第安纳州的小镇霍金斯,这几个小家伙打扮成抓鬼敢死队。四个萌童中最醒目的肯定是威尔,第一季结尾时他咳嗽时吐出了一条虫子,这显然是为后续剧情埋下的伏笔。制作人之一的马特·杜菲表示:“他似乎能够看到表里世界(the Upside Down)的景象,问题在于这些景象到底是真的还是假的?看起来他正遭受着PTSD。”
“Versailles is the next step in the international co-production strategy we are now pursuing with our partners,” said Fabrice de la Patellière, Head of French Drama and Co-productions at Canal Plus. “This new season, that we aim to develop with renewed originality, will be a full-blown immersion into the absolute power of Louis XIV.” Added Claude Chelli, Director of Capa Drama: “King Louis XIV ruled France for 72 years, so there are still many stories to be told, in the same style and with the same contemporary approach that we established in Season 1. So it is with great relish that for the second season, we are going to take the series into the realm of women, love potions and poisons.”
英国Channel4制作爱尔兰背景神职题材经典喜剧,爱尔兰著名喜剧艺人Dermot Morgan主演,Morgan在第3季制作完成后不久即因心脏病英年早逝,此剧也因此过早划上句号。第1,3季均荣获当年BAFTA最佳喜剧剧集奖,同时Morgan并分获当年英国喜剧奖最佳男演 员和BAFTA奖最佳喜剧男演员。 1 "Good Luck, Father Ted" 21 April 1995 2 "Entertaining Father Stone" 28 April 1995 3 "The Passion of St Tibulus" 5 May 1995 4 "Competition Time" 12 May 1995 5 "And God Created Woman" 19 May 1995 6 "Grant Unto Him Eternal Rest" 26 May 1995
ITV续订《迷失海湾 The Bay》第四季。
23岁的化学专业毕业生艾玛·赫奇(Emma Hedges)在苏格兰法医与解剖学研究中心找到了新工作。 兴奋的她热衷于法医学的学习,因此参加了在线法证科学课程。然而,在线课程的案例——曾在邓迪市发现的一具女尸,在她心中唤起了一种怪异又恐怖的熟悉感。她发现这是关于她的故事,因为在十八年前,她母亲的尸体就是这样被发现的…… 这个奇怪的巧合正是她所需要的动力,对她来说,是时候去揭露她妈妈遇害的真相了。在她的新老板——两位著名的法医科学家和一名坚定的侦探的帮助下,艾玛沿着这些年来留下的蛛丝马迹回溯事情的源头。这些留痕竟然指向了她的旧朋友、刚刚认识的男友,以及一次警方调查。这是一个充满危险和欺骗的世界,无论她被母亲遇害的证据带向何处,艾玛都会迎难而上吗?
This is a programme about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive side and unromantic take on parenting - not the cute and acceptable public face of motherhood.