Three years have passed since Patty and Ellen last worked together. Ellen reconnects with her high school friend, Chris Sanchez, who has recently returned from a stint at High Star, a private contractor in the Middle East. Unable to get assistance from the corporation or the government, Ellen decides to look into his case. Both her new boss and Patty warn Ellen about building a case against High Star Security Corp.
A recently retired English professor discovers a real knack for investigation and cannot help but interfere with the cases assigned to her police detective son.
随着乔·野生身陷囹圄,卡罗·巴斯金接手了他声名狼藉的动物园。荣获艾美奖提名的系列在《养虎为患 2》中继续讲述曲折离奇的故事,并进一步揭露美国最臭名昭著的“大猫”饲主们有何动机、什么来头,又藏着怎样的秘密。亦敌亦友的老对头杰夫·劳、提姆·斯塔克、艾伦·格拉弗和詹姆斯·盖里特森再次回归,继续新一季的谋杀、混乱和疯狂。以为这就是故事全貌了?等着瞧吧。
设定在洛杉矶,讲述私人侦探约翰·休格(科林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)调查好莱坞制片人Jonathan Siegel孙女的失踪案。