在美国殡仪业大势并购垄断下,Fisher meijubar.net一家仍然努力坚持家族式服务为生。创办人父亲Nathaniel尽管已经不在人世,但是他的形象却经常出现在家人的幻想中,留下的家族业务由家庭的其余四个人员打理。老大Nate(彼得·克劳斯Peter Krause 饰)一直在殡葬业务和初为人父的家庭角色中寻找平衡;老二David(迈克尔·霍尔Michael C. Hall 饰)和他极度情绪化的同性恋人在外居住,除主要负责家族业务外,还为教堂做事;小女儿Claire(劳伦·艾波罗丝Lauren Ambrose 饰)是个问题青年,富有艺术天赋,处于精力充沛的青春期;母亲Ruth(弗兰西丝·康罗伊 Frances Conroy 饰)则希望与儿孙们拉近距离。他们也会因死亡而被触动,思索什么才是短暂人生的意义。
过气明星苏西·派克斯(Suzie Pikles,比莉·派珀 饰)的手机被黑客入侵,对她来说极为不妙的图片被公诸于世。一旦生活的假面具被摘走,人是否能在“被彻底扒干净”的状态下存活? 本剧聚焦苏西与她最好的朋友和经纪人娜奥米(Naomi,Farzad 饰)试图将生活导回正轨的艰辛历程,她想要保持事业继续发展,而与丈夫柯布(Cob,Ings 饰)的婚姻开始变得岌岌可危。
“Versailles is the next step in the international co-production strategy we are now pursuing with our partners,” said Fabrice de la Patellière, Head of French Drama and Co-productions at Canal Plus. “This new season, that we aim to develop with renewed originality, will be a full-blown immersion into the absolute power of Louis XIV.” Added Claude Chelli, Director of Capa Drama: “King Louis XIV ruled France for 72 years, so there are still many stories to be told, in the same style and with the same contemporary approach that we established in Season 1. So it is with great relish that for the second season, we are going to take the series into the realm of women, love potions and poisons.”