An exclusive and immersive documentary that offers a unique behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the new chapter, "And Just Like That..."
· 这是一次精神漫步式访谈:西川直面镜头袒露内心,从谈北宋山水画入手,延展为对中国文化的整体反思; · 这是一份当代人的思考指南:如何对待传统?传统与当代生活的关系是什么?我们今天需要一种什么样的文化创造?我们应该如何过我们的当代生活? · 这是一部人文艺术纪录片:一虚 一实两条线索贯穿全片,既有思想情感上的共振交流,又有对西川个人的挖掘和塑造,理性与感性互为补充。 诗人西川人文纪录片《山水之上》已于2022年6月16日上线,哔哩哔哩弹幕网、腾讯视频,搜索关键词“山水之上”,即可收看完整纪录片。【活字文化出品】
The Queen of Kalahari. A 52-minute fictional documentary that tells the incredible tale of a diamond - of its natural state in a mine in Botswana to the final piece of jewellery, revealed to the eyes of the world during an exceptional evening in Paris at the Théatre du Chatelet. The Queen of Kalahari is the story of a diamond with historic colour and dimensions... one of the di...
In an abandoned theater, French actress Marina Vlady recites from Borges' "The Immortal"... Japanese research scientist Shin Kubota sings praises to the "immortal jellyfish"... Milan Duomo workers subject the cathedral's exquisite statues to perpetual regeneration... Swiss musician/inventors Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer persistently refine their percussion instrument, the Hang... Native American community leaders Leola One Feather and Moses Brings Plenty preserve the centuries-old spiritual resistance of their tribe... Filmmakers Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti pay tribute to humankind's aspirations for immortality by showing us a portrait of our efforts to overcome our own limits. They share their discoveries in a visual symphony to the power and harmony of nature's elements: water, earth, air and fire. From Milan to Wounded Knee, USA, from Bern to Shirahama, Japan, the traces of the filmmakers' travels spiral into a symbol of perfection and infinity: Spira Mirabilis.
从2009年至2011年,一支由德、美等国专业人员组成的电影摄制组,把镜头对准了中国河南少林寺故乡 登封县的“少林塔沟武术学校”,在拍摄“武校”2万多师生的大 型场面中,摄制组又把镜头聚焦在两个小女生身上,这就是我们将要看
深入黑熊的家 寻找山的灵魂。每年10月过后,野生的台湾黑熊陆续从各个山区,前往八通关日本越岭古道上的大分,享受一年一次丰盛的青刚栎果实飨宴;而长期研究台湾黑熊的黄美秀团队,必须在2个月前就先翻山越岭进驻山区、并架设陷阱,等着和野性十足的台湾黑熊面对面、展开最近距离的接触。 麦觉明导演跟着黄美秀团队跋涉山水,漫长的等待后,黑熊一旦出现,就必须与时间赛跑,用最短的时间完成捕捉系放的研究过程。甚至要照养在南安发现的迷途小熊,这一切都是为了让濒危的台湾黑熊,能够在原本就属于它们的山林家里过得更安全、自在,并且生生不息……